Friday, May 29, 2009

Hello :)

I have to make it really quick because Andres is about to pick me up any minute. I'm going to his place and maybe I will stay there for some days. He has really slow internet connection. So I wont be able to use internet there because I don't want to ruin my nerves. :D Anyways, here are some behind the scenes and then finished works. Maybe I will edit more photos, but later, when I get to use my PC. Enjoy...

Happy birthday, Helena! :P

Pille testing her new digital cam in the background

Helena looking cute with her tuft :)

Bossing around :P

Have to get the right angle...Saile in the middle of nowhere

Leaving the place

Finished works:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

As I promised...

...I will now upload some photos of Pille too. :D Two of them look more natural and with the others I just experimented with colours. :D
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I will post more photos of Helena that we took on her birthday tomorrow. Those are something a little bit different of my other photos because those are not fairytale-like. :D You'll see...

Finished work:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Finished work

Here are my finished photos of Helena. I haven't edited all of Pille's photos, so I will post them maybe tomorrow. Keep watching. ;)

Photoshoot with Helena and Pille

I was at Andres' place last week for quite a long time(for me). The environment over there is actually very beautiful. So I wanted to take photos at the locations nearby. Pille and Helena approved to be my models on the day. Nope, I didn't take photos of them together. Pille's shoot was quite fast and simple and Helena's one was something like more prepared?(if I can say so). Me and Pille had made a dress for Helena like a month ago. It took us only like 4 hours to sew it and we absolutely didn't use any cuts. You can see the poor quality of the dress in the photos. :D
I decided to do separate posts for Pille's and Helena's shoots. But first, I'll post some behind the scene photos.
Having some snack before starting

Pille doing Helena's hair

Pille wanted to try her new clipin extensions

:D I hope Helena wont smack me for that

One of the locations

Pille helping me with the lightning

The end (never mind what I'm wearing) :)

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Just had to make a quick post. I wanted to say that I've had luck in a competition again. :D So, I got second place in Garnier's photo competition. The theme was "We care about eachother" and it had something to do with green lifestyle or something. Ok the idea of the photo I took for the competition wasn't my own for sure because i've seen these kind of photos everywhere. :D The price was loads of products of Garnier. Oh and the winner of the competition was my classmate, Madis. Gratz!

The photo:
Teen siia ühe kiire postituse, et jälle kekutada veidi. Nimelt sain ma selle fotoga Garnieri fotokonkursil teise koha. Idee on tegelikult "varastatud" ja igalpool mujal juba ammu nähtud. :D Pilti aitasid teha Saile ja Pille. Tänud! Muide, esimsekoha sai Madis. Kes veel ei tea siis käisime/käime ühes klassis. Õnnitlused temalegi!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Something fairy-like

Hey, sorry for not posting here. The reason why I haven't done it for a long time is that I just hadn't taken photos lately and not because i don't have enough time. Nope, believe it or not, I just didn't feel like doing it. I've had some kind of crisis of creativeness or something...weird. :D Anyways, last week while "playing" volleyball with Pille, we decided to go take some photos instead of keeping tossing the ball. So, the idea just came from nowhere and we hadn't done any preparations for it. I still remembered a nice place, where I had taken photos of Saile last year, and wanted to photograph Pille there. And when we got there, I saw for my surprise that half of the forest was gone! It kind of made me sad, because it was such a magical coppice with all the giant firs. I marked the part of the background on saile's photo, that's gone by now. Also, we saw some roe deers there, but I wasn't able to take photos of them because they moved so fast. :) once they ran past us about 10 meters away from us. Couldn't get anyone who would have helped us with the lighting, so we have to conciliate with the sharp shadows on some photos.

It was pretty cold, Pille having goose bumps.

The ground was full of branches, it was kind of difficult to move there. We were also scared of snakes. :P

Some final results:

Tsau! Vabandan, et pole siia ammu postitanud. Mul lihtsalt polnud uusi pilte, mida oleks võinud siia uploadida. Kuigi mul on kool juba ammu läbi saanud ja aega on olnud enam kui küll, pole ma jõudnud pildistamas käia. Mul oli vahepeal lihtsalt mingi põud loometöös. :D See selleks.
Eelmine nädal tegime Pillega ühe kiire fotoshuutingu. Läksime paika, kus ma olin pildistanud eelmine aasta Sailet. Üllatuseks oli osa metsast mahagi võetud. Üsna kahju hakkas, sest see oli tõesti väga ilus metsatukk. Nägime ka metskitsi seal ringi lippamas. Tegelikult oli väga mõnus õhtu ja tänud Pillele, kes viitsis jaheda ilmaga kaamera ees poseerida. :D