Sunday, August 29, 2010

Costumes :D

Pille's room will be soon too small for the costumes :D

Yesterday I went to Pille's place and decided to overlook all the costumes we have made for photoshoots so far. Some of the pieces are more than five years old and some of them aren't finished yet. So we tried everything on and it felt quite good, because everything fit perfectly (yeey :D). So yea, we tried everything on and took a quick picture of each costume, so we can share everything we've done. Unfortunately something happened while I was loading the photos to a memorystick and when I came home and plugged the stick to my pc there were only a few photos on it. So I will post the photos of the costumes some other day, when I can get the rest of them from Pille.

I'm in the paradiseee!


Unknown said...

Tarmi jah pärast ütles, et mul on mälupulk katki, oli vist veest läbi käinud vms

Liisu Tool said...

jap, äkki paned msnis mulle saatma? siis saan need pildid ka siia panna :)

Samantha Nandez said...

That is quite the collection!